Our seminars operate on a sliding scale to ensure greater accessibility and inclusivity. This flexible pricing model reflects our commitment to making these experiences available to individuals from diverse financial backgrounds while addressing economic inequities.
The seminar fee includes full vegan meals and basic utilities. For those seeking private accommodations, there are additional costs for staying in individual tents or wooden huts. After submitting the registration form, you will receive detailed payment instructions. Please note that a non-refundable registration fee is required to secure your place.
What is a Sliding Scale?
A sliding scale is a system where participants pay a fee based on their financial capacity. It’s designed to create equity, enabling those with fewer economic resources to participate while inviting those with greater means to contribute more. This approach fosters a sense of shared responsibility and community support, ensuring that financial barriers do not limit access to transformative experiences.
How Does It Work?
Our sliding scale has three tiers:
Supportive Tier (Highest End): For those with greater financial resources, this tier helps subsidize others who cannot afford the full cost. By choosing this option, you directly support economic diversity within our programs.
Sustainable Tier (Middle Range): This tier reflects the actual cost of hosting the seminar, including time, energy, and resources. It’s the baseline amount needed to keep our programs running sustainably.
Supported Tier (Lowest End): This tier is for those who may not otherwise be able to afford participation. If even this tier is beyond your means, you can apply for our solidarity fund.
Why a Sliding Scale?
Fixed pricing can exclude individuals with limited resources, preventing them from accessing valuable knowledge and experiences. A sliding scale enables us to serve people from various financial backgrounds while maintaining the seminars as a reliable income source. This model is rooted in trust, equity, and collaboration, aiming to shift from purely capitalist frameworks toward a community-supported economy.​​
What's included?
All seminar fees cover:
– Daily vegan meals.
– Basic utilities.
– Seminar activities.
– A shared sense of contribution toward a more inclusive environment.
Private accommodations, such as wooden huts or a room in the villa, are available at an additional cost.
How to Decide
Your contribution in determining your payment requires honest self-reflection. Factors, including income, wealth, and personal circumstances, influence your financial capacity. We trust participants to assess their situation sincerely and contribute in a way that aligns with their means.
Consider contributing more if you:
– Own your home or other property.
– Have savings, investments, or inherited wealth.
– Can afford recreational travel or hobbies.
– Have access to financial support from family.
– Work part-time by choice or have financial stability.
– Have a high earning potential due to education, career opportunities, or social privileges.
– Wish to support others’ access to these seminars.
Consider contributing less if you:
– Are financially responsible for dependents or children.
– Carry significant debt.
– Have high medical expenses not covered by insurance.
– Are funding your education.
– Receive government assistance or public support.
– Face immigration-related costs or other unexpected expenses.
– Are retired and living on a fixed income.
How We Build Equity Together
A sliding scale works best when participants contribute sincerely and generously according to their ability. Those paying at the higher end ensure we can offer reduced rates or solidarity funding for those in need. This system is built on trust, mutual respect, and a shared commitment to community well-being.
The Role of Solidarity Funding
Our solidarity fund is available for those who cannot afford the lowest end of the sliding scale. This fund is supported by contributions from participants who choose to pay above the highest tier or make additional donations. By applying for this fund, you help us ensure that economic circumstances are not barriers to participation.
Our Vision for a Collaborative Economy
This model represents a shift from a transactional mindset to one rooted in collective care and responsibility. It’s about creating a system where generosity and fairness are at the core, fostering a more profound sense of connection and community. We are profoundly grateful to Tamera for inspiring us with their sliding scale model, which has guided us in designing this inclusive and equitable approach.